The story I am going to submit to the Star City Blog Short Story Contest is basically sound. But two groups now have offered comments, and I think it's been improved because of that.
First, my friends at Accentuate Writers (join- it's free) pointed out one part that needed clarification. They caught a couple of punctuation errors, too. It's nearly impossible to properly proof your own stuff.
I re-wrote the story and took it to my West Side Gang writer's meeting on Tuesday night. They helped even more. First of all they said it is a good story (and members of this group have the expertise to lend weight to a statement like that). Secondly, they pointed out another issue that could be made more believable with a small change. I'm working on that.
My point is, if you are a writer, and working "in a vacuum," join some forums, groups, etc. that can provide you with useful feedback. I'm really, really not a joiner. A friend practically dragged me to a meeting of the West Side Gang. But, I have to admit that it has become a valuable tool toward becoming a better author. (And I've made a few new friends, too!)
Hope the rewrite is going well! Have a great weekend!
Thanks! I think I've got it all set to send in.
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