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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Chapters 19-21 of News from Dead Mule Swamp

I seem to have hit a real writing jag on News from Dead Mule Swamp. I've written three more chapters, tied in a loose end nicely and dragged another red herring through the story in the process.

My writing group, West Side Gang, has heard 16 of the chapters. Our regular meeting was last night. I showed them the cover, and introduced them to Cora, the character who turned out to be so interesting. One person wrote on the copy (we discuss and annotate everyone's work) that she thinks Cora is a very likable character.

There are at least five chapters to go, but that might be pulled out into more if the plot needs them for full resolution. I have to work tomorrow, but I'm going to try to write one more chapter yet today.

Here's an excerpt from Chapter 21:
    “Did you take the things out?”
    Bella squirmed again. “Just to see what was there. I didn’t take anything, honest!” She glanced fretfully from Chief Jarvi to me, and finally settled on her mother as her best ally.
    “We know you didn’t take anything, Bella,” said Tracy. Everything was there except a piece of old newspaper.
    “I didn’t do it!” wailed Bella. “It must have been that man.”
    “What man?” we all demanded at once.

I definitely have other things I should be working on, but I don't want to let this spurt of creativity get away.

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